Set-up… for success.You made a bold choice when you started this journey on a PC. The road you travel will be fraught with weirdness, “why did it do that?”…Jun 6, 2018Jun 6, 2018
SSL ain’t no crystal stair…I’m going to assume you’ve got a successfully deployed app… On an AWS EC2… its not super important how you got there, but congratulations…Mar 21, 2018Mar 21, 2018
If you’re using Travis CI, a common way to customize the build process is to define environment…They can be accessed from any stage in your build process so it’s important to consider a few things when you’re setting them up since…Mar 14, 2018Mar 14, 2018
Abstraction as a service… by AWS.So many things that we take for granted as software people are grunt work. I don’t mean writing the code, that’s the fun stuff. I’m talking…Mar 7, 2018Mar 7, 2018
Instructions are one of the most important concepts invented in the history of the world.Your code, whatever it is, is not a candy bar. It may be beautiful and delicious but no one’s will know that if they can’t make it work…Feb 28, 2018Feb 28, 2018
You can’t take Command…You may not be the leader of a covert government organization of assassins… but you can still be in command.Feb 21, 2018Feb 21, 2018
Abstracting Away Automation ComplexitySo we’ve got a database that requires daily maintenance. Each day, a certain portion of the data needs to be removed, existing data should…Feb 21, 2018Feb 21, 2018
S is for the structure I seek…SQL (Structured Query Language) is designed for managing data in a relational database. It’s been around since the early 1970s and in its…Jan 31, 2018Jan 31, 2018